Wednesday, November 23, 2016



RO membrane which have been damaged by the high scaling , we can recover the membrane with help of LOW PH solution which is use of citric acid bath.
Watch the video to get the exact idea how to clean the membrane with help of citric acid. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

RO Membrane Cleaning.

RO membrane Cleaning.

Are you getting low Product water ? is RO your filter taking lot of time to fill the tank?

Your RO membrane has collected a lot of contaminants. As we know RO membranes have a life span of 12 months or 6000 liters. Many times due to lot of mud and other scalants  the membrane becomes clogged early. Here we tell you a method to recover the RO Membrane with some simple technique.
This easy self explanatory video .

There are other methods which involve use of chemicals.
which we shall post soon,

Please comment ,share.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Best R.O. Membranes Reviews.

Which is the Best Reverse Osmosis Membrane.

For Domestic RO Membrane the best known Membrane which
it outperforms the all membranes.

1. DOW Filmtec 75 GPD Orignal Membrane.

Orignal Membrane comes only in 50 Gpd and 75 GPD.
This membrane is the best membrane in terms of performance and long lasting.
But the only drawback is that the membrane has very high rejection rate so the water output is low around 8-10 liter per hour.
but it is the best membrane for HIGH TDS water. 


CSM 80  is a TFC Membrane , TFC Stands for Thin Film Composit Membrane which is a Breakthrough Technology in terms of membranes is concerned. The Membrane is also very good durable and provides a good out put of around 12 - 13 liters of output.
the Membrane delievers 80 GPD output,. and the membrane has a good reputation and stand,.
many Brands use the Membranes for their products.

But the major problem of duplicate is faced. So to identify orignal CSM 80 Membrane you must take care of the following .

This will help you find the orignal CSM membrane,

3. Pentair 75 GPD/100GPD

Pentair is a very well known established brand in the fields of Membrane. The membrane gives very high performance and the output is very good. the membrane is at par with the standard membranes.
The membrane has a good rejection rate and features the following
  • TLC Thin Layer Composite membrane
  • 100% dry membrane maximizing shelf life
  • Eligible for NSF data transfer
  • High rejection stability at high input TDS
  • Standard dimensions to fit in commonly available housings
The membrane is a trusted brand and is very highly used around.

4. LG Membrane 

LG has recently announced its RO Membranes 

LG Has recently Introduced its membranes in market and we are hoping that it surely will 
sustain its brand name and will provide a good standard, but as for now i am unknown about its performance. 

4. Some other brands 

1. VOntron : its duplicate membranes are more than orignal, so it is difficult to find orignal. but its not at the standards of the above membranes.
2. goodlife. ctop. shine , this all membranes are cheap but performance is not upto mark .

How to replace the RO membranes for a domestic RO 

Thats all for today ,
feel free to comment and ask any questions. 

Thanks & Regards.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Inside an Reverse Osmosis RO Membrane.

Inside an Reverse Osmosis RO Membrane. 

We consider that you understand what an RO membrane is, but still i shall give you a glance about 
it, an RO Membrane is a filtration membrane which is widely used in Reverse Osmosis Water

So what is inside the RO membrane 

we have a tear down of the Reverse Osmosis Membrane in the video which you can see.

This video Explains all the working and the principle of the Reverse Osmosis Membrane.
The company suggests that we must replace the RO membrane in 1 Year. as the Membrane can
get up clogged by the scale deposition on the sheet of membrane.

Please ask questions if any in the comments section.